


  1. Y.-M. Tseng, H.-Y. Chien, R.-W. Hung, and T.-T. Tsai, “Leakage-resilient anonymous multi-receiver outsourced revocable certificateless encryption”, 2023 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI 2023), Japan, pp. 127-132, 2023, IEEE press. (EI) (MOST 110-2221-E-018 -006 -MY2 and MOST 110-2221-E-018 -007 -MY2)
  2. Y.-M. Tseng, T.-T. Tsai, and S.-S. Huang, “Practical leakage-resilient signcryption scheme suitable for mobile environments”, 2022 IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE GCCE2022), Japan, pp. 383-384, 2022, IEEE press. (EI) (MOST 110-2221-E-018 -006 -MY2 and MOST 110-2221-E-018 -007 -MY2) (This paper obtained the bronze prize of the excellent poster award)
  3. T.-T. Tsai, Y.-M. Tseng, and S.-S. Huang, “Equality test of ciphertexts in certificateless public key systems with an outsourced revocation authority”, 2022 IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (IEEE GCCE2022), Japan, pp. 36-37, 2022, IEEE press. (EI) (MOST 110-2221-E-018 -006 -MY2 and MOST 110-2221-E-018 -007 -MY2)
  4. H.-Y. Chien, A.-T. Shih, and Y.-M. Tseng, “Exploration of fast edible oil classification using infrared spectrum, machine learning, and chemometrics”, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (IEEE iCAST 2019), Japan, pp. 468-473, 2019, IEEE press. (EI) (MOST 108-2221-E-004-MY2)
  5. Y.M. Tseng*, J.D. Wu, R.W. Hung and H.Y. Chien, “Leakage-resilient certificate-based encryption scheme for IoT environments”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (IEEE iCAST), Japan, pp. 1263-1266, 2018, IEEE press. (EI) (MOST 106-2221-E-007-MY2)
  6. Y.M. Tseng*, Y.H. Hung, J.D. Wu and S.S. Huang, “Efficient certificated-based signature over lattices”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2018), Japan, Article-J180864, 2018, IEEE press. (EI) (MOST 106-2221-E-007-MY2)
  7. Y.M. Tseng*, S.S. Huang and J.D. Wu, “Secure certificateless signature resisting to continual leakage attacks”, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE ICASI 2017), pp. 1263-1266, 2017, IEEE press. (EI) (MOST 105-2221-E-018-013)
  8. T.T. Tsai, Y.M. Tseng*, Y.H. Hung and S.S. Huang, “Cryptanalysis and improvement of provable a data possession scheme in public cloud storage”, The Third International Conference on Computing Measurement Control and Sensor Network (CMCSN2016), Japan, May 20-22, pp. 56-59, 2016, IEEE press. (EI) (MOST 103-2221-E-018 -022 -MY2)
  9. Y.H. Hung , Y.M. Tseng*, and S.S. Huang, “Efficient revocable ID-based signature over lattices”, Cryptology and Information Security 2016 (CISC2016), Taiwan, May 26-27, pp. 380-388, 2016.
  10. Y.M. Tseng*, T.T. Tsai, S.S. Huang and Y.H. Hung, “Strongly unforgeable revocable certificateless signature”, The Fourth International Conference on Informatics & Applications, Japan, July 20-22, pp. 18-31, 2015. (MOST 103-2221-E-018 -022 -MY2)
  11. C.P. Huang, T.T. Tsai, Y.M. Tseng* and S.S. Huang, “Efficient ID-based encryption with outsourced revocation authority”, Cryptology and Information Security 2015 (CISC2015), Taiwan, May 28-29, pp. 9-20, 2015. (MOST 103-2221-E-018 -022 -MY2) (最佳論文佳作獎) (This paper obtained honorable mention of the best paper)
  12. M.L. You, Y.M. Tseng* and S.S. Huang, “Strongly secure ID-based authenticated key agreement protocol for mobile multi-server environments”, Cryptology and Information Security 2015 (CISC2015), Taiwan, May 28-29, pp. 21-31, 2015. (MOST 103-2221-E-018 -022 -MY2) (最佳論文佳作獎) (This paper obtained honorable mention of the best paper)
  13. T.T. Tsai, Y.M. Tseng* and S.S. Huang, "Secure certificateless signature in the standard model", Cryptology and Information Security 2014 (CISC2014), Taiwan, May 30-31, pp.1-12, 2014. (This paper obtained the Best Paper Award, the only one out of 63 papers). (NSC102-2221-E-018 -019)
  14. L. Tseng, T.T. Tsai, Y.M. Tseng* and S.S. Huang, "Ephemeral-secret-leakage secure ID-based authenticated key exchange protocol for mobile client-serer environments", Cryptology and Information Security 2014 (CISC2014), Taiwan, May 30-31, pp.67-78, 2014. (This paper obtained the Best Student Paper Award, the only one out of 63 papers). (NSC102-2221-E-018 -019)
  15. J.H. Ke, T.T. Tsai, Y.M. Tseng* and S.S. Huang, "Revocable ID-based mutual authentication and key agreement protocol for multi-server environments", Cryptology and Information Security 2014 (CISC2014), Taiwan, May 30-31, pp.323-334, 2014.
  16. Y.M. Tseng*, T.T. Tsai, S.S. Huang and H.Y. Chien, “Efficient anonymous multi-receiver ID-based encryption with constant decryption cost”, ISEEE2014, Japan, 26-28 April, pp.131-137, 2014. (EI) (NSC102-2221-E-018 -019)
  17. T.T. Tsai, Y.M. Tseng* and T.Y. Wu, “Practical revocable ID-based signature with a public channel”, NISS2013, 18-20 June, pp.21-26, 2013. (NSC101-2221-E-018 -027)
  18. T.T. Tsai, Y.M. Tseng* and T.Y. Wu, “Novel revocable hierarchical ID-based encryption with a delegated revocation authority”, Cryptology and Information Security 2012 (CISC2012), Taiwan, May 30-31, Article-30, 2012. (This paper obtained the Best Paper Award, the only one out of 72 papers). (NSC100-2221-E-018 -027)
  19. T.Y. Wu, T.T. Tsai and Y.M. Tseng, “Revocable ID-based signature scheme with batch verifications”, IIHMSP-2012, IEEE press, July 18-20, 2012, Greece, pp. 49-54, 2012. (EI) (NSC100-2221-E-018 -027)
  20. Y.M. Tseng*, Y.H. Huang and H.J. Chang, “CCA-secure anonymous multi-receiver ID-based encryption”, FINA2012 in conjunctive with AINA2012, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE press, Japan, 26-29 March, pp.177-182, 2012. (EI) (NSC100-2221-E-018 -027)
  21. Y.M. Tseng*, T.Y. Wu and T.T. Tsai, “A convinced commitment scheme for bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem”, 7th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management (NCM2011), Korea, June 21-23, pp. 156-161 2011. (EI) (NSC97-2221-E-018-010-MY3)
  22. C.W. Yu and Y.M. Tseng* and T.Y. Wu, "A new key-insulated signature and its novel application", Cryptology and Information Security 2010 (CISC2010), Taiwan, May 27-28, Article-A2-4, 2010. (最佳學生論文入選獎) (NSC97-2221-E-018-010-MY3)
  23. Y.H. Chuang and Y.M. Tseng*, “Security weaknesses of two dynamic ID-based user authentication and key agreement schemes for multi-server environment", Workshop on Cryptography and Information Security, NCS2009, Taiwan, vol. 5, pp. 250-257, 2009. (NSC97-2221-E-018-010-MY3)
  24. Y.H. Chuang and Y.M. Tseng*, “Provably secure ID-based mutual authentication and key agreement for multi-server environment", Workshop on Cryptography and Information Security, NCS2009, Taiwan, vol. 5, pp. 258-269, 2009. (NSC97-2221-E-018-010-MY3)
  25. T.Y. Wu and Y.M. Tseng*, “Provably secure ID-based authenticated group key agreement with bilinear pairings”, Cryptology and Information Security 2009 (CISC2009), Taiwan, June 3-5, Article-B102, 2009. (最佳學生論文佳作獎) (NSC97-2221-E-018-010-MY3)
  26. Y.M. Tseng*, T.Y. Wu and J.D. Wu, “Towards efficient ID-based signature schemes with batch verifications from bilinear pairings”, 2009 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES2009), Japan, 16-19 March, pp.935-940 , IEEE press, 2009. (EI) (NSC97-2221-E-018-010-MY3)
  27. Y.M. Tseng*, T.Y. Wu,  J.D. Wu, “On the security of an efficient ID-based partially blind signature scheme”, The 2008 IAENG International Conference on Computer Science, Hong Kong, 19-21 March, vol. 1, pp.417-420, 2008. (EI) (This paper obtained the Best Paper Award, the only one out of 34 papers). (NSC95-2221-E-018-010-MY2)
  28. J.D. Wu, Y.M. Tseng*, T.Y. Wu, “A provably secure and efficient ID-based signature scheme supporting variant batch verifications”, Cryptology and Information Security 2008 (CISC2008), Taiwan, May 29-30, pp.82-96, 2008. (最佳學生論文入選獎) (NSC95-2221-E-018-010-MY2)
  29. Y.M. Tseng*, T.Y. Wu, J.D. Wu, “A mutual authentication and key exchange scheme from bilinear pairings for low power computing devices”, Proc. The 31st Annual International Computer Software & Application Conference, COMPSAC'07, Beijing, China, 23-27 July, vol.2, pp.700-705, IEEE press, 2007. (EI) (NSC95-2221-E-018-010-MY2)
  30. Y.M. Tseng*,  T.Y. Wu,  J.D. Wu, “A practical user authentication scheme from bilinear pairing using smart cards”, International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2007), Japan, July 10-13, Article-7131, 2007. (NSC95-2221-E-018-010-MY2)
  31. F.G. Chen and Y.M. Tseng*, “A contribution-oriented reputation system for peer-to-peer networks”, Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Information Security (ISC2007), Taiwan, June 7-8, pp.517-527, 2007.
  32. H.C. Lin and Y.M. Tseng*, “A practical and scalable ID-based protocol for secure communication in wireless sensor networks”, Proceedings of the Seventeenth Conference on Information Security (ISC2007), Taiwan, June 7-8, pp. 160-168, 2007.
  33. Y.M. Tseng*, "On the security of two group key agreement protocols for mobile devices”, International Workshop on Future Mobile and Ubiquitous Information Technologies(FMUIT2006), Japan, May 9-12, pp. 59-62, IEEE press, 2006. (EI) (NSC94-2213-E-018-009)
  34. M. Kone, Y.M. Tseng* and J.K. Jan, "Secure reputation system based on group transitivity and peer's classification for peer-to-peer networks ", Proceedings of the Sixteenth Conference on Information Security (ISC2006), Taiwan, June 8-9, pp. 554-565, 2006. (NSC94-2213-E-018-009)
  35. Y.M. Tseng*, C.C. Yang and J.H. Su, “An efficient authentication protocol for integrating WLAN and cellular networks”, Proceeding of the Sixth International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology 2004 (IEEE/ICACT2004), Korea, vol.1, pp. 416-420, 2004. (ISBN: 89-5519-119-7) (EI) (NSC92-2213-E-018-014)
  36. Y.M. Tseng*, C.C. Yang and D.R. Liao, “A secure group communication protocol for ad hoc wireless networks”, The 10th Mobile Computing Workshop (MCW 2004), pp. 267-276 , 2004.
  37. J.K. Jan and C.H. Wang, Y.M. Tseng*, "The design of authenticated key agreement protocols resistant to a denial-of-service attack”, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Information Security, pp. 516-523, 2003.
  38. H.Y. Chien, J.K. Jan and Y.M. Tseng, "A RSA-based partially blind signature with low computation", 2001 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'2001), 26-29 June 2001, KyongJu City, Korea, Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 385-389, IEEE press, 2001. (EI) (ISBN: 0-7695-1153-8)
  39. H.Y. Chien, J.K. Jan and Y.M. Tseng, "Undeniable billing for anonymous channel services in wireless communication", International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications, and Techniques (PDCAT 2001), pp. 125-132, IEEE press, 2001. (EI) (ISBN: 957-9078-34-3)
  40. H.Y. Chien, J.K. Jan and Y.M. Tseng, "A new generalized group-oriented cryptosystem based on the systematic block codes", International Computer Symposium Workshop on Cryptology and Information Security, pp. 26-32, Dec. 2000. (ISBN: 957-02-7308-9)
  41. Y.M. Tseng*, J.K. Jan and H.Y. Chien, "Authenticated encryption schemes with message linkages for message flows", Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Information Security, pp. 401-407, May 2000.
  42. H.Y. Chien, J.K. Jan and Y.M. Tseng, "On the general threshold-based secret sharing scheme", Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Information Security, pp. 285-290, 2000.
  43. H.Y. Chien, T.C. Wu, J.K. Jan and Y.M. Tseng, "Improvements of group-oriented authentication and key exchange protocols", Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 1999, Part C, pp. 210-214, 1999.
  44. J.K. Jan and Y.M. Tseng, "New digital signature with subliminal channels based on the discrete logarithm problem", Proceedings of the 1999 ICPP Workshops, 21-24 September, 1999, Wakamatsu, Japan. IEEE Computer Society, pp.198-203, IEEE press, 1999. (EI) (ISBN: 0-7695-0353-5)
  45. Y.M. Tseng and J.K. Jan, "A group signature scheme based on a self-certified public-key system", Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Information Security, pp.165-172, 1999.
  46. Y.M. Tseng and J.K. Jan, "A novel ID-based group signature", International Computer Symposium Workshop on Cryptology and Information Security, pp.159-164, 1998. (ISBN: 957-8845-11-1)
  47. Y.M. Tseng and J.K. Jan, "ID-based cryptographic schemes using a non-interactive public-key distribution system", The 14th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 1998), 7-11 December 1998, Scottsdale, AZ, USA., IEEE Computer Society, pp.237-243, IEEE press, 1998. (EI) (ISBN: 0-8186-8789-4)
  48. Y.M. Tseng and J.K. Jan, "An ID-based conference key distribution system with user attendance for the star configuration", Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Information Security, pp.393-400, 1998.
  49. Y.M. Tseng and J.K. Jan, "A fair approach for key escrow systems", The 13th Technological and Vocational Education Conference, pp.131-139, 1998.
  50. Y.M. Tseng and J.K. Jan, "A role-based authorization model for large distributed hypertext systems", Proceedings of National Computer Symposium 1997, pp.170-176, 1997.
  51. Y.M. Tseng and J.K. Jan, "A scheme for authorization inheritance in a user hierarchy", 1997 Information Security Conference, pp.109-115, 1997.